VMWare Vanguard
Making the Vanguard Team

A few years ago back before VMware bought Pivotal. Pivotal created a user group of power users around their platform. At that time it was Pivotal Cloud Foundry and their supporting products. And the group was all customers. Which left people in my position out. I understood why it was customer only and no partners. But at the time I was pretty bummed out that I couldn’t join.
I mean I help bring one of the first .NET apps to the PCF platform. Created customized training for our consultants. Wrote blog post, and even did the .NET on PCF on Azure roadshow. A one day hands on workshop to show the speed of development and the value of Pivotal Cloud Foundry. But as my wife said to me, “letting you in would be letting a fox in the hen house.”
Fast forward a year or so and the program changed and partners are able to join but with a few caveats. The first is someone has to nominate you. Customers can apply partners have to nominated to join. So with out any more set up. I was nominated by VMware. It’s a honor and I am happy to say I am a member of the VMware Vanguard group.
Now with all of this there is some legal I need to post when it comes to Tanzu Vanguard:
I am a member of the Tanzu Vanguard community. I am not a representative of VMware. My views are my own. If you’d like to learn more about Tanzu Vanguard, please visit here.