New Look for the New Year
Refreshing the Site for the New year

So I took a look at my site and I did a decent job of getting it started. Picked a platform Hugo and even a theme Hermit. Sure there was nothing wrong with the theme I had. But I wanted something a little lighter. Hence why I changed it over to the Coder theme.
Coder out of the box wasn’t bad. But I wanted to change some of the layout’s and I needed to add in schemas for the content I was publishing. As for staying on AWS right now it meets my needs for hosting. Hugo is still flexible and I have no need to abandon it.
I did take the time to fix some of my URL. Add in some of the content I published else where. I also corrected some of the meta data of my site as well. I had no idea I was off on that. The site Moz has a ton of resources that help get me on track. I know that SEO game is never over, you just have to keep ahead of it as best as possible.
Where I am in full contemplation mode is over the HTTP vs HTTPS debate when it comes to SEO. Sure Google is really pushing for this but where is the value in a purely static site? My site makes no extra server calls, it just serves up static pages. The extra cost of it doesn’t help the matter where adding it can cost over $100. Beyond the cost factor adding in HTTPS now requires me to add in redirects. Which is more of a headache than not. I am not arguing Google’s stance on HTTPS and SEO. But HTTPS on a purely static site is hard to sell me on.
Lastly, I had a few spelling errors that I didn’t see or notice. So a refresh like this was good for me to take another look at what I had out there.