Asserting the Gap
The gap between certification and implementation

Asserting the Gap, it sounds like there is a pun in there. But we should talk about the gap we have between certifications and implementation. Most companies leverage some level of external certification and or training. To work in the technical partnership space like I do, the number of certifications is key. The more certs an organization has, the more access they can get to free stuff or new clients.
But what we don’t talk about is the gap: the one between certifications and the knowledge to do the work. We see the overemphasis on certifications but less on implementing it. Sure a person can study and by rote pass a certification test. But we question could they actually do the work? If they can’t then, this is that gap.
As part of my job I need to look at training and certifications. I need to find people to get certified. More important what certifications to take to maintain our partnership. But for every certification I review I need to assert what else someone needs to know. For most certifications I have to recommend extra training to fill the gap. Then communicate this to both management and employees that we are not done. To an employee, this is needs to be clear. When they get a certification they should have a path for a follow up training.
We need to remember that there is a need for certifications. They can show an employer an employee’s commitment. In the partnership space certifications show how committed you are to the partnership. They put your partner at ease when they ask you to help a customer with an implementation. But they should not be the end all and be all for enabling teams. Recognize the gap between certification and actually doing the work. Fill the gap not for your employees’ sake but for your customers.
Cross posted from LinkedIn Asserting the Gap.